Temperatures across the UK are pretty warm for July this year, with an amber extreme heat warning now being issued by the Met Office for the upcoming weekend. It is acknowledged that moderate and extreme ambient temperatures increase the risk of occupational accidents and it is an employer’s duty to risk assess thermal comfort isRead more
Interesting case here, London Zoo found to be guilty of two health & safety breaches with their fine reduced as they are a charity. We’re a bit torn on this one, does this create a sense of complacency amongst charities and provide opportunity for other organisations to plead for leniency if found to be in breach in the future?
Granted they now have a prosecution on their record and one would expect them to be more pro-active in their approach in the future but something just doesn’t feel right about how the judge has decided the level of the fine for an organisation that has annual turnover of over £60m. #workplacesafety #workingatheight #charity
Read the full article here: https://www.shponline.co.uk/london-zoo-fined-after-keeper-fell-from-faulty-stepladder/