As Spring is in the air and many of us are starting to think about eating and drinking healthier, we’ve pulled together some of the best tips and advice that we’ve picked up over the many years our team have spent on the road visiting clients, working on events or attending conferences!
- Keep an eye on the caffeine intake (both for your body and your wallet!) – Be it service station coffee, the machine at breakfast or those sachets in your hotel room, a few too many of these can begin to take its toll! A few a day could be adding lots of unnecessary fat and calories to your diet, milky coffees such as lattes are a good source of calcium, however try to choose low-fat varieties.
- Go easy on the biscuits and cakes at meetings or conferences – Just because it’s free that doesn’t mean you have to have it! If you do choose to have something, have just the one and it always help to have an apple in your bag if you feel the hunger strike and there are still yummy treat hovering around!
- H2O is your friend – keep hydrated and take a bottle with you while travelling, lots of free water stations are popping up and use to find your nearest!
- Think about what you would normally have at home when eating out – don’t think it’s an excuse to go off the rails. As with many elements a balanced diet it requires that you put your health higher up the agenda when planning for time away. Think about what you’re ordering from the menu, go for a good helping of greens and try sticking to grilled meats and fish and there are always many awesome vegetarian options on offer.
- Stick to core meal times (avoid the snacks while travelling!) – Like above, think ahead and try to plan your time away from home before you travel so you can work out a decent routine to stick to. Try to make sure you check in at a reasonable time so you have a chance to unwind before dinner and perhaps take our advice below before dinner!
- Be creative with your workout space – Even if you only have a light exercise routine at home try to keep it going while staying away as maintaining any routine can only be a good thing for you so you don’t lose that motivation. If you get to choose the hotels then look for one with a gym, pool or just a decent outdoor space that you can use for a run or a walk in your down time. And if not then making use of the hotel room floor and doing a 15 minute HIIT session (plenty of these on YouTube!) to keep you just that little bit active. Alternatively a short Yoga or stretch session will work wonders to clear your head and keep you feeling fresh especially if after a long day travelling.
- Keep that bedtime routine as consistent as possible – There can be the temptation to have that extra drink after dinner at the hotel bar. Tempting as it might be (especially if on company account!) it will likely leave you getting to bed later and probably adding extra screen time before turning in for the night! (just because you have Netflix on your phone doesn’t mean you need to watch that next episode!)

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