As you know, every organisation regardless of the nature of the business is required to hold an Accident Book, with many of us holding more than 1 and stored in numerous different locations!
With RDHS AIR the process of recording any accidents, incidents or near misses is so much easier.
As it’s an online tool, reporting can be carried out by any device connected to the internet, meaning data is collected faster and more efficiently.
In addition to its brilliant usability, RDHS AIR doesn’t stop there…as the data is live, managers are automatically notified in real time, allowing for any issues that need to be escalated or alerted to.
RDHS AIR collates and analyses all the entered data and presents it in the form of a summary, in user specified charts on the RDHS AIR Dashboard, enabling you have an instant overview and track key trends.
Our team have a vast amount of knowledge in both Health and Safety and Event Safety Management, so if you have any burning questions to ask or think we may be able to help you, please do get in touch –
t: 01458241661